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HOUSTON — On March 29, the 20-year-old driver of a 2007 Dodge pickup crossed the centerline of U.S. 83 about 30 miles north of Uvalde. An instant later, the truck ran head-on into a bus carrying 14 elderly church members coming home from a choir retreat.

With 13 members of the First Baptist Church of New Braunfels killed in the collision, online social media networks lit up with reports that the pickup driver had been weaving erratically before the 12:20 p.m. collision near Garner State Park. Local and federal investigators are now investigating the cause of the crash, with a National Transportation Safety Board inquiry still pending.

Now, The Huynh Law Firm, PLLC, and Sico Hoelscher Harris & Braugh LLP have jointly announced their intent to file the first products liability lawsuit relating to this deadly tragedy. Attorneys Jason P. Hoelscher and Bianca Calderón de Lachica of Sico Hoelscher Harris & Braugh LLP, along with Sarah Y-Nhi Huynh and Paul Savinov of The Huynh Law Firm, PLLC, are representing the family of Mildred Rosamond, which has been devastated by her sudden loss in the accident. The two law firms are launching an independent products liability investigation into the deaths.

“The circumstances surrounding this deadly collision are tragic and painful for all of the families involved, and our hearts ache for their loss,” said Attorney Paul Savinov. “We will do everything in our power to find answers for the victims’ families, and we are actively looking at any and all factors that could have contributed to the crash,” added Attorney Sarah Y-Nhi Huynh.

“We are determined to get to the bottom of the cause of this tragic collision; our independent investigation of this incident is ongoing,” noted Attorney Bianca Calderón de Lachica. “We owe the families who lost loved ones in this misfortune a complete investigation,” concluded Attorney Jason Hoelscher.

The Huynh Law Firm, PLLC and Sico Hoelscher Harris & Braugh LLP are now offering free consultations to any other individuals or families that have been affected by this terrible crash. With both firms well-versed in handling cases that involve bus and commercial truck accidents, Sico Hoelscher Harris & Braugh LLP recently secured a record-breaking $124.5 million verdict in the case of Robert Pacheo v. Los Paisanos Autobuses, Inc.

(Originally published by The Huynh Law Firm, PLLC)

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